I wouldn't want to go forward; consider it fear of the unknown. I would be afraid of going forward and finding out that one of my children had died, and then I would have to come back to the present with that knowledge. I'm a "now" girl. I can't imagine living anytime in the world other than now. Being without my Blackberry for even an hour could send me into convulsions. Not having an I-pod when I go running is next to not having leave-in conditioner for my hair: unimaginable. I don't want to go into the future and realize how ridiculous the clothes I wear now really are. I don't want to see that aliens have taken over the world and humans are kept as pets being forced to lick our own butts.
With NBA playoffs in full swing right now, I can think of a time that I would like to go back to. Admitting this may end my marriage...love ya Sweets!! If I could take one trip backward in time, I would go to game six of the 1998 NBA playoffs between the Utah Jazz and the Chicago Bulls. Marcus has converted me into a die hard Jazz fan, but at the time of this game, I was in love with Micheal Jordan. He was God. I even had a life size cardboard cutout of the man. LOVED HIM!! Anyway, I digress. I would love to be in the crowd at the then Delta Center watching Michael Jordan win another title. The game was almost over, the Jazz were ahead and then He stepped up. Michael Jordan stole the ball from Karl Malone and hit a 20 foot jump shot to give the bulls the lead with 5.2 seconds left. The Chicago Bulls won 87-86. Other than just being a face in the crowd, what would I do and why? I would be taking pictures of the players' butts to add to my collection. Wanna see some examples? Thought you would never ask. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them...

1 comment:
You kill me. Oh my gosh. That was so funny. Mmmmmmm MJ. And his butt. What a great way to start my day! John Stockton - you too????? I thought I was just a freak.
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