Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I Am Not a Flightless Bird...

If you try to get Emma to say "mama", she will say "Dodo". I am not kidding...she will laugh hysterically after she does it. It's not funny; I am not a flightless, extinct bird!! She will say "dada", "hi", "thank you" and if you say "Ready. Set.", she will say "go". But do you think she can say "mama"? No, she says "Dodo". What does that say about me?! Mama should have been her first; I brought her in to this world...shouldn't that count for something???

See...mama. Say it with me...M A M A

Dodo...Not mama. I really don't see the similarities.


Janice {Run Far} said...

Oh my heck that is the funniest thing ever about your daughter say dodo instead of mama. LOL... Sorry I am sure you hate it, but it is funny.....

Good luck running the half on Saturday, is this your first? Have you done any full's yet? how do you know Mandy? Are you from here?
Ok enough of the 20 questions, I just love meeting new runners, there are not alot here in Vernal

Anonymous said...

Hmm, skinny ankles. No adams apple. Nope, I don't see the similarities either.

Monica said...

You are a for my cankle surgery and then there might be a similarity. I bet you taught her to say Dodo...sounds like something you would do.

Anonymous said...

I do not know what you are talking about. I am just some anonymous person who randomly stumbled upon your blog. I just noticed your meaty cankles in the pictures.

Monica said...

You are just jealous of my meaty and your skinny ankles!!