Monday, May 19, 2008

PSS: Fate; Believe It...or Not

Three or so weeks ago, Shane asked: Do you believe in fate? How has it impacted (or not) your life? I wanted to do a big long post on this one, but time has slipped away and I hate feeling behind...even on something like this.

I totally 100% believe in fate. If I didn't believe in fate, I don't think I would have the most gorgeous, most adorable, most awesome little boy in the world. I wanted to type the whole story of how we brought Christian into our family, but finding the time to sit down and do that is next to impossible. I do want to do a post on that so we can have it forever and never forget a detail, but it's gonna have to wait until life slows down..if that ever happens.

There are far too many "coincidences" that happened when we started the adoption process. We miscarried, then couldn't get pregnant, then find the right adoption agency, then brought home our wonderful little boy, then got pregnant seven months later. We were meant to have Christian in our family. We had to have Christian before we could bring Emma into our family.

Call it fate. Call it faith. Call it divine intervention. Call it what you want. Without it, I wouldn't have my two beautiful babies.

Next up...patronus...

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