Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!! 

Each year I find myself making a VERY LONG list of all my goals and resolutions for the year and then beating myself up over every little mistake and  broken resolutions. 

I've decided this year there will be no long list with a hundred ways I want to improve myself and why I am currently such a horrible person.  I do have a couple areas that I want to try and improve on, but I have learned that TRY is the key word.  

I am a perfectionist. 
I have been that way as along as I remember.
  I beat myself up over the dumbest things.  
My first B in Biology in Jr. High brought enough tears to float Noah's Ark.

  I am learning that I can try to improve things and change habits, but not achieving 100% on everything is okay.  So here are the things I want to TRY and improve:

1. Take better care of myself. 

Of course, this includes the "I'm gonna lose a whole bunch of weight" goal, but more importantly, I want to continue to grow comfortable with myself and like the person I am. 
I want to be in control of my emotions and not let others dictate how I feel and react to things.  

2. Simplify.

This applies to every aspect of my life. 
I try to do too much for too many people. 
I try to keep a perfectly clean house while I work from home and spend time with kids and husband, volunteer with the PTA at Christian's school, teach a primary class and try to be Superwoman.  
My cape must be at the dry cleaner's cuz this super hero's powers are gone.  

That's it.  
Totally attainable.

  And no beating myself up when I have a Diet Coke or when I eat a cookie or 4 or when I let the kids stay up until 10 pm because I am too busy watching NCIS, playing on Facebook and working on a photo shoot. 
Hope everyone had a great holiday season and a very happy new year!!

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