Wednesday, December 06, 2006


After a month of trying, I finally have my house to "Monica Standards". Most people wouldn't appreciate how important that fact is to me...but there are a few who know just how important that is. Everything is clean, laundry is going, and all Christmas decorations are put up. I do however, still have that annoying sock basket I promised I would never have in my house. All growing up when my mom would do laundry, she would throw all the socks into one basket and we had to find our own matches. Try doing this when you are in a huge hurry...there were seven of us in the house; it was never a quick process. I promised myself I would never have such a thing. (No offense Mom) With as sick and miserable as I have been, I started a sock basket. It is a cute wicker type basket, but that doesn't make it any better. I am deteremind to sort ALL socks and put away in the next day or two....It is my goal.

On a better note, today was the first day in over 2 and 1/2 months that I have not thrown up, gagged, or wanted to throw up all day. It was so nice to almost feel like myself again. I am freaking exhausted and ornery as all heck, but for now, oh well. Deal with it people; it's not getting any better. I bought my first maternity outfit today. I don't need it quite yet, but it was so cute and I know when I finally do need it, it wouldn't be there anymore. I am feeling thick-wasted and nasty. I have finally gained two pounds! I do have a little bit of a belly, but it's at the stage where people can't tell if I am pregnant or just putting on weight. Unlike most pregnant women, I am so excited to be getting a belly. I can't wait for my belly to catch up to certain other parts of my body. that have grown A LOT! Let's just say even my mother mentioned that I have grown "up top." Thanks for noticing Mom. So I am hoping that the way I felt today will be a continuous thing and I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy....I guess we will wait and see.

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